ORIX Growth Capital Invests in ScienceLogic

ORIX Growth Capital recently completed a growth capital investment into ScienceLogic, leader in IT Operations Management, providing modern IT operations with actionable insights to predict and resolve problems faster in a digital, ephemeral world. Its solution sees everything across cloud and distributed architectures, contextualizes data through relationship mapping, and acts on this insight through integration and automation.

“ScienceLogic provides organizations with a powerful monitoring solution that scales at the speed of both the network and the customer to provide comprehensive business service visibility into an enterprise’s data and IT assets which continue to grow at an unprecedented rate,” said Stasia Carson, Director at ORIX Growth Capital. “We’re impressed with what the ScienceLogic management team has been able to build to date and are excited about partnering into the future as they expand even further into AIOps and beyond.”

“The impact of IT operations on a company’s bottom line is significant, with downtime costs reaching $300,000 to $540,000 per hour on average. Today’s enterprises need accurate data models that yield operational data in real-time, so IT teams can identify and resolve issues before they impact operations,” said Dave Link, founder and CEO of ScienceLogic. “ScienceLogic has spent years building a solution that takes a context-rich approach to determine real-time health and resource efficient growth of mission-critical business services. This investment from ORIX Growth Capital validates this and we are honored to have the opportunity to continue enhancing our product offering and expanding deeper into new and existing markets.”

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